
Love for Maria, love for everyone! Happy New Year!

A new tradition was launched at CASACOM. We commissioned our latest recruit to convey our wishes for the New Year. This charming little task has befallen on Maria.

jan_3614_editAs CASACOM, Maria is young, talented, dynamic and, in addition, trilingual. Moreover, her life has deeply inspired our New Year message. On October 16th, Maria received a great demonstration of love. Her sweetheart, the lucky man who has been sharing her life for the past six years, proposed to her. Needless to say that her overwhelming joy and happiness were communicable the next day at the office…

equipeSo who better than Maria, whose laughter is contagious and so pretty, to convey our wishes? She kindly agreed to be our star of the day. As can be seen in the video, pictures and even in the bloopers, we had a lot of fun during the making of the 2010 wishes.
Through Maria, the CASACOM team wishes you and your loved ones, what will make 2010 an unforgettable year “Love, lots of love!”[hana-flv-player video=”https://www.casacom.ca/voeux/Anglais-480×270.flv”
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Marie-Josée Gagnon About the author
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