
Web 2.0 survey of public relations professionals: Social media is rising across-the-board

For a second year, CASACOM worked with the Chaire de l’UQAM and SQPRP to develop a survey on the use of social media by Quebec public relations professionals. A press release was issued, and all results are available at www.crpcm.uqam.ca.

Here are three facts I would like to bring to your attention:

  • Good news! Social media is progressing on all fronts. Eighty (80) percent of public relations and communications professionals always, frequently, or occasionally incorporate it in their communication plans-great progress compared to last year’s result (56%).Médias sociaux et relations publiques
  • Emergency! Despite this progress, 57% of professionals say they lack training to properly advise their clients in this area. Social media training has become the issue of the day, and it is essential that professionals receive Web 2.0 training and updates.

  • Challenge! Despite clients’ increasing openness to social media, many hesitate to integrate it in their communication plans. The two reasons cited are loss of communication control (39%) and insufficient resources (26%). This resistance is normal, since social media has truly revolutionized how information is organized and communicated. I am confident that resistance to social media will decrease as organizations learn to manage it and recognize the advantages.Sondage médias sociaux

To learn more about social media and Web 2.0, feel free to contact us or look at my presentations on the subject.

Where are you at with social media?

Marie-Josée Gagnon About the author
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