
CASACOM’s Weekly Round-up

It’s Thanksgiving weekend! Before enjoying time with friends and family and of course the delicious food, why not wrap up your week with helpful communications tips and stories from this past week. And let’s not forget to cheer on Canada’s team, The Toronto Blue Jays this weekend as they make their run in the playoffs.

PR Lifestyle:

Soccer may appear to be just a sport to most people, but you can apply certain soccer lessons to the corporate communications world.

  • Same team – don’t fight your teammates for control; it’s a reminder that this could go a long way toward breaking down silos and preventing power struggles.
  • Tell people you like their ideas – telling colleagues that you “like their idea” and then explaining why it may not work can be a good way to let them down easily.
  • Ask – “where should I be?” – what should your role be on a project.
  • Pass when you can – you never know what your co-workers are capable of, so when it makes sense, let them have the ball.

4 lessons PR pros can learn from soccer” (PR Daily)


Facebook’s new “Dislike” button is in the works and to get ready for the potentially rocky digital road ahead, take a look at these six ways to prepare yourself – and your clients – for potential issues.

  • Put more effort into your content
  • Don’t take it personally
  • Use a “dislike” as an opportunity to learn
  • Consider that a “dislike” might be a “like” in disguise
  • Watch, learn and test
  • Relax

You will better understand each tip in the article link below, where each is discussed in more detail.

6 Ways PR Pros Can Prepare For Facebook’s “Dislike” Button” (PR News)


Over the last couple of years West Jest has created different pieces of content that has generated a lot of buzz for them. Many may recall the “Christmas Miracle: real-time giving” stunt. You are probably wondering what West Jet did this time?

On September 25, passengers aboard one of WestJet’s flight to Vegas had comedian Carrot Top board their aircraft when they landed. The Vegas headliner offered passengers arriving from Toronto a choice when deplaning: in the airport terminal they could take a red carpet to baggage claims or a blue carpet to a surprise adventure. Over 90% of passengers chose the blue carpet adventure. You can see what happens in the video in the article link below and what the background behind this idea was.

WestJet hopes to hit the internet jackpot with new stunt” (Marketing Magazine) thanksgiving


Andrea Mancini About the author
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