Hooked on School Days (HSD)

Discover how Casacom designed a compassionate 360 campaign for School Perseverance Days despite the impacts of the pandemic.


Casacom was asked to create a campaign for Hooked on School Days (HSD) to engage its audiences and address the negative impact the pandemic had on young people and the significant adults in their lives. 

Strategy and Activities

  • Design and develop a 360-degree marketing campaign based on the message “Merci à nos porteurs de sens” (Celebrating everyone who makes a difference) 
  • Prepare and execute a media relations strategy around a Leger survey of young people on the pandemic’s impact on their motivation and optimism for the future 
  • Create a range of engaging web and social media content, including social media visuals, a campaign video and survey infographics 
  • Develop and execute an effective digital strategy to promote content on social media 
  • Prepare and execute a media buying strategy to increase content reach


Number of media mentions at launch
media mentions
Media coverage reach
Impressions on social media
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