
Casacom supports Airex in announcing the construction of the first biochar plant in Port-Cartier

Casacom supports Airex in announcing the construction of the first biochar plant in Port-Cartier
July 6, 2023
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On July 5, 2023, the CASACOM team supported Airex Energy and their partners Groupe Rémabec and SUEZ during the announcement of the construction of the first biochar plant in Port-Cartier. The announcement was made in the presence of Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, Minister Responsible for Regional Economic Development and Minister Responsible for the Metropolis and the Montréal Region.

Our team took charge of the organization of the press conference, press relations, as well as the distribution strategy on social media. The event proved to be a success with more than 60 partners and influencers from the region and elsewhere present for the occasion. The news was covered in around 30 web media (not counting rebroadcasts), TV and radio (general and specialized) in Quebec and Canada.

Some results to learn more about the project:

Several months after the event, the Airex Energy team noted an increase in requests for meetings and information on products on a regular basis, which demonstrates the influence of the event among the right target audiences.

– Mathilde St-Vincent, Senior Director, Corporate Communication and Partner

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