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Casacom supports its growth with two promotions

Casacom supports its growth with two promotions
January 11, 2024
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Two members of the CASACOM team were promoted at the start of the year: Adrienne York now rose to the position of Director, Marketing Communications, and Charlotte Dubuc to that of Senior Advisor, ESG. These promotions are in line with the firm's mission, that of always rising together as well as the communications industry and customers.

“Charlotte and Adrienne bring a lot of value to our customers and to our team. Their renewed commitment and constant quest for excellence make them highly valued colleagues,” said Jean-Michel Nahas, Executive Vice President and Partner. “These promotions also demonstrate our desire to advance our people by offering an environment conducive to experimentation and learning,” he adds.
Exceeding yourself

In 2023, Adrienne York was able to shine thanks to her remarkable leadership, already embodying the skills of a marketing communications director. Very involved in social communications mandates, particularly in education and health, she has masterfully led large-scale 360 campaigns, while ensuring the delivery of quality content and leading the various teams with confidence. Her determination, her sharp pen and her deep interest in people and their stories make Adrienne one of the pillars of CASACOM.

Charlotte Dubuc stands out for her lively and strategic spirit, her sense of initiative and her contagious enthusiasm within the company. Her commitment to ethical principles and her in-depth knowledge make her a force in ESG, strengthening CASACOM's position in the sector.

CASACOM is convinced that these two promotions will contribute not only to the individual development of these two undeniable talents, but also to the continued rise of the firm.

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