
Communicating with impact: the advantage of businesses in the face of the climate emergency

 Communicating with impact: the advantage of businesses in the face of the climate emergency
November 9, 2023
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Faced with the climate crisis, organizations have a key card to play: their ability to take concrete action. However, developing innovative technologies or services is not enough; they must also demonstrate that their actions generate a real positive impact. By promoting tangible and measurable results, they will convince customers and partners of the solidity of their commitment to the planet.

In short, businesses should not stop at their actions.

It is imperative that they are fully aware of the positive impacts of their transparency and proactive communication on their sustainability actions — while avoiding the pitfall of greenwashing.

Organizations that seize this opportunity to communicate will reap undeniable benefits, be better positioned, and create benefits at multiple levels, both internally and externally.

Let's take a closer look at four of these benefits.

Reassure and educate

Despite a media landscape that is often overshadowed by climate concerns and the rise of eco-anxiety, the daily emergence of new ideas and the implementation of concrete solutions generate renewed optimism.

When businesses communicate about their sustainable initiatives with integrity and transparency, they bring much more than hope. They become a source of practical inspiration, showing in a concrete way how to adapt and respond effectively to the environmental challenges we face.

Attracting customers and investors

According to the Transition barometer of Québec Net Positif, customers are putting increasing pressure on businesses to adopt responsible climate practices, a trend that has increased compared to the previous year. Another phenomenon highlighted in the study is that customers are now looking for partnerships with suppliers that prioritize the environment, generating new markets for companies with eco-responsible practices.

At the same time, investors are directing their financial contributions more towards companies whose practices support solid environmental and social values. They are actively looking for companies that align with rigorous environmental, social, and governance criteria. They are also ready to invest in those who are firmly committed to sustainability. Stimulate innovation

Innovation takes many forms and generates numerous benefits.

It stimulates the creation of products and services that respect the environment, transforms business models and reinvents production processes to increase their positive impact. In addition, it galvanizes teams to design solutions that are both ingenious and viable for the future.

When a company communicates openly about these responsible innovations and practices, it is not only distinguishing itself in its field; it is influencing its competitors and encouraging them to adopt a similar approach.

Increase engagement and retention

In an increasingly competitive job market, the search for talent is a priority for many businesses. It is no longer a question of attracting candidates, but of retaining them for the long term.

According to a Léger study published in September 2023, one of the main motivations that push Generation Z to leave their job is the lack of adequacy with the company's mission, a criterion that is increasing sharply (21%).

“This observation highlights the importance of a profound search for meaning in work for younger generations. They seek to engage in missions that go beyond the scope of their daily lives, aware that their contribution to a responsible company can have a lasting impact on society. Their commitment to businesses that focus on the future of the planet is a central element of their concerns,” says Marie-Ève Cloutier, CRHA, president and CEO of Kenova, a finance and accounting recruitment firm.

By valuing their sustainable initiatives, businesses are not only recruiting talent that is in line with their values; they are also creating an environment conducive to their long-term retention.

In conclusion: strategically communicating its vision and actions supporting sustainability offers a considerable advantage to companies. Their efforts go well beyond raising awareness; they become a driver of positive influence on the community, in addition to giving them a net competitive advantage.

So, are you ready to move... from actions to words?

Excerpt from the Net Positive Quebec Transition Barometer

Benefits and opportunities identified by businesses as a result of implementing climate actions:

  • Strengthening the brand image and reputation of the company (39%).
  • Employee sense of pride and belonging (36%).
  • Creation and offer of products, solutions and services that correspond to new needs and market expectations (32%).
  • Reducing dependence on fossil fuels and the impact of carbon costs (13%)
  • Access to new sources of financing and new capital (10%).

To access the results of the Barometer, click here.

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